We have just spent the most gorgeous 5 days in Provence with friends, lolling in the sun, drinking rose and even, yup this is true, making a music video in the pool…too much rose consumed!
On night 3 we decided to find a babysitter and go out to dinner. left the villa first with my lovely friend Laura, leaving the boys to put the kids to bed so we could get in some quick pre-dinner shopping.
By the time the boys got to dinner they were a giggling mass of over excited school boys – Jade, the 21 year old babysitter, was by all accounts the hottest babe known to man kind, and with her sexy ‘bonjour’ had the boys worked into a frenzy – one of whom was single (in his dreams….)When we got home, Laura and I were obviously desperate to see how hot she was – and she was: Toned and bronzed with skin we could only dream of. The boys could not speak, no one had arranged how much to pay her, and all Mr PB could say was ‘this is awkward’.
We all collapsed on the sofa in hysterics while this poor girl watched us – a load of pissed middle-aged people unable to speak, everyone hysterical over her hotness and how pathetic we all were rolled into one.
We overpaid her - mainly to get her to leave and relieve a hideous situation – and while we giggled into the night over this, I can only imagine what bloody losers she thought we were.
You know that thing when you are 21 and look at 40 year olds with horror? That was us, we were those people…but the great thing is that it just makes it funnier.
But I am starting a hardcore diet and have invested in buckets loads of moisturiser too. Just saying..
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?