How awesome is this new shoot on our website?
I LOVE it!
It is everything I thought it would be and more, and I want to wear every single piece!
But perhaps the best thing about it is that I managed to persuade myself (as there is no one else to persuade really) that we needed to shoot it in Palm Springs to get just right the vibe. (er, by the way LV just shot there so I am so onto something!)
Sometimes if you want something you just have to create it.
I think I want to live in LA ( I think a lot of things by the way), but as this is not really possible right now I have decided to engineer it so that I can spend more time there.
By working with the coolness that is my new friend Jimmy in Laguna, and producing and making everything out there and adding London/Los Angeles to our label.
The guys out of LA do amazing tees and jeans, and surprisingly great cashmere. This mixes with my dresses and silk tops makes for a great combo.
And I get to go to LA.
A lot….and just breathe in the vibe.
I have decided if I buy juices and look at my running shoes every morning I might accidentally turn into a Californian babe (yet to happen fyi).

The weekend of the shoot in Palm Springs was everything that Spring Break should be.
I took my best friend Al with me, and we giggled from start to finish. We then hooked up with the wonder that is Emily, the amazing fashion blogger Fashion Foie Gras, and we wound down the windows in our car and sang like our lives depended on it – all 80’s rock tunes you will be relieved to hear.
And then we secretly ate steaming hot cinnamon roles hiding behind our car so the hot models and photographers couldn’t see us. And then to top it all off we drank sangria, sat by bonfires, and created a really cool new shoot for Tabitha Webb.
I hope you love it as much as I do! xx