Leading on from one of my previous blogs about turning 40, I want to know whether it is still ok to wear a bikini, and when we become too old to wear a bikini.
My opinion is that it is all just a state of mind, and it is more how we feel about our body – which would be simple if turning 40 wasn’t so bloody rough on the body!
No longer can I sneak in a donut and not notice – now that donut takes hold and creates it’s own little place to hang out on my arse. Forever.
Last year I thought I was probably too fat and old to wear a bikini so I bought a one piece. My husband was horrified – he told me I looked utterly ridiculous and it was very unsexy and I had immediately aged myself by decades.
Said one piece was then removed and the bikini put back on – this made me think it could then just be about shape, not age.
I feel like I have a long body and swimming costumes always slice me in the wrong places, and although it holds everything in at the top, it pushes it out at the bottom. Not attractive!
But my older sisters have both moved away from bikinis as has my mother despite absolutely having the bodies to wear bikinis if they want. They say they are past the age when a bikini is suitable and they would never wear one again…but then look at Gwyneth Paltrow!
This leads me to believe it just comes down to how bloody skinny you are and age is irrelevant.
On that note I am reaching for the kale juice and will revert in a few months..